The East and Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies

ESAFS Awards
The ESAFS Award is presented to to recognize and honor exemplary/distinguished contributions to the development/ achievement of ESAFS.
Year Name Affiliation Society
2007 Kazutake Kyuma Kyoto University JSSSPN
Shiga Prefectural University
2009 Zueng-Sang Chen National Taiwan University CSSFS
2009 Jianmin Zhou, Institute of Soil Science, CAS SSSC
2011 Kwang-Yong Jung National Institute of Agricultural KSSSF
Science and Technology, RDA
2015 Jae Yang Kangwon National University KSSSF
2017 Dar-Yuan Lee National Taiwan University CSSFS
2019 Kazuyuki Inubushi Chiba University JSSSPN
2022 Shamshuddin Jusop Universiti Putra Malaysia MSSS
2024 Takashi Kosaki Aichi University JSSSPN
ESAFS Award Rule
(Approved on October 23, 2007)
1. Purpose
This award will be presented by ESAFS at ESAFS International Conference to recognize and honor exemplary/distinguished contributions to the development/ achievement of ESAFS. The ESAFS awards process is under the leadership of the ESAFS Award Committee. The committee consists of a selected member person from each member society (totally 15 members). The president of ESAFS chairs the Committee.
2. Selection of the Awardee(s)
By ballot. Every member society has the parity of one vote.
3. Required information for the selection of the Awardee
The document for nomination should include the information of the nominee on the exemplary/distinguished contribution to the development/achievement of ESAFS.
4. Maximum number of the Awardee(s)
By two voting from each society representative, two or one will be awadee(s) if two or one nominee(s) gain scores more than 6. Voting is only once.
[ In the case of 2007 selection: Enclosed please find a ballot for ESAFS Award election. Please place check marks on two nominees. The votes placed check marks more than two are invalid. After voting for two nominees of your choice, please put the ballot in the blank envelope provided to ensure anonymity and put it in a ballot box. On the votes counted, awardee(s) is decided.
5. Awards
ESAFS is not affluent at present, and every ESAFS member society that will hold the ESAFS Office in the future may not always be expected to be financially affluent. Therefore, the appropriate way of recognition to the Awardee should be seeked for by understanding the present financial situation of ESAFS and the member societies.
[Report of ESAFS8 President (October 23, 2007): For 2007 ESAFS7 Award, testimonials and award medals were prepared by a financial support of JSSSPN.]
6. ESAFS Award Committee
According to ESAFS Award Rule, the Awardee will be decided at the business meeting held during the ESAFS conference. The selection of the Awardee by the ESAFS Award Committee was suggested, and the set-up of the Committee having its secretary in the ESAFS Office was agreed.
1) The Committee consists of a selected member person from each member society (totally 12 members).
2) The president of ESAFS chairs the Committee.
3) The procedure of selection of awardee in general follows the ESAFS Award Rule.
3-1) Call for nominees and nomination of nominees are as described in the Rule.
3-2) Documents for nomination to the Award are circulated to the Committee members, and they select the Awardee(s) by voting, as described in 3.
3-3) The result of voting in the Committee is reported to the business meeting, and the Awardee(s) is/are finally decided at the meeting.